Nearly two million Australians use a financial planner or adviser – worth $703b

Original article by Roy Morgan
The Australian Financial Review – Page: Online : 17-Jul-18

New research from Roy Morgan shows that 1.96 million Australians aged 14+ (9.7%) used a financial planner/adviser to purchase superannuation or managed funds in the year to May 2018. This group accounts for $703bn in total wealth management products and have an average value of nearly $360,000. The research also shows that 33% of wealth management customers who are in the top quintile of the market by value have used a financial planner or adviser. The other groups that have above average use of financial planners/advisors include those with incomes of $130,000+ (22.1%), Baby Boomers (18.5%), those aged 50+ (16.6%), Pre-Boomers (15.8%) and the AB Socio Economic Quintile (13.7%). These are the latest results from Roy Morgan’s "Profile of Users of Financial Planners Report", which is based on in-depth interviews conducted face-to-face with over 50,000 Australians per annum in their own homes, including over 5,000 who have used a financial planner/adviser to purchase superannuation or managed funds.


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